The 1848-1849 Revolution was a continuation, namely, the conclusion of the great 1789 revolution. Struggle for political rec-ognition of the unrecognized nations also determined the historical character of the 1848 Revolution, as well as its general position in the development of the national movement among the South Slavs.
Тhe exclusive standpoints of the leadership of the Hungarian movement, not ready to give the nationalities the same rights for which the Hungarians themselves fought in 1848, quickly made impossible common struggle for the same social aims proclaimed at the beginning. Thus the struggle for national rights and national equality prevailed in the Serbian national movement in the form of the existence of the autonomous Serbian Vojvodovina. Since the great number of Serbs in the Habsburg Monarchy lived in the territory of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia, and the greatest number in the Military Border, these programme documents also required the creation of the political union between the Serbian Vojvodina and the Tripartite Kingdom (of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia). These requests were more numerous in the national petitions at the beginning of the movement. The May Assembly in Sremski Karlovci also proclaimed the political union with the Tripartite Kingdom. Since more direct cooperation with the Croats did not exist during the movement, later programme documents, constitutional drafts, did not mention the political union with the Tripartite Kingdom any more or just indicated its possibility, on the basis of an agreement.