UDC 34ISSN 2232-7339    e-ISSN 2303-4653
Godišnjak Pravnog fakulteta u Istočnom Sarajevu
Published yearbooks

      Vol. I No. 1/2010

      Vol. II No. 1/2011
      Vol. II No. 2/2011

      Vol. III No. 1/2012
      Vol. III No. 2/2012

      Vol. IV No. 1/2013
      Vol. IV No. 2/2013

      Vol. V No. 1/2014

      Vol. VI No. 1/2015

      Vol. VII No. 1/2016

      Vol. VIII No. 1/2017


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Sanja Tepavčević

Faculty of Law
University of Belgrade


Starting with the evolution of diplomatic privileges and immunities, from their early stage and ending with the question of whether all the means used for their protection are needed on one hand and justified on another, this paper introduces the reader with rationale of privileges and immunities.

The author tried to tackle all main aspects of the mentioned topic. That is why this paper consists both of theoretical and practical views on the topic. Mentioning 3 mayor theories on diplomatic immunities should not only prove the justification of the immunities´ existence in the legal system, but also explain the need for giving the immunity to diplomats. Furthermore, we tried to classify all the immunities and privileges into groups, so we discussed the ones given to the individual diplomatic agent and then the ones given to the mission. Conclusion has been made that inviolability of diplomatic agents and missions are mayor areas of protection in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and that they are also essential for the existence of diplomatic relations themselves.

Key words: Diplomatic agent; Privileges and immunities; Inviolability of diplomatic agent; Inviolability of missions.

Sanja Tepavčević, sanja_tepavcevic@hotmail.com.