Electoral right, as a constitutionaly and legaly guaranteed subjective political right of the citizen to choose their representatives in elections, or to be elected in representational bodies and other public positions, represents one of the most important forms of institutional participation of citizens in political life of the community.
Besides the fact that under constitutions Electoral right, as a constitutionaly and legaly guaranteed subjective political right of the citizen to choose their representatives in elections, or to be elected in representational bodies and other public positions, represents one of the most important forms of institutional participation of citizens in political life of the community and laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina gender equality is guaranteed in all areas of life and work, proclaimed equality and principles of non discrimination are often not confirmed in practice, where there is evident discrepancy between normative and real status, position and role of woman in political and public sphere. Under Constitution, law and series of acts, primarily of international significance, women are, being de facto less present gender, formally and legally guaranteed equal rights to elect and be elected, without discrimination on any ground. Even though women are given the possibility to equally take part in all social spheres and representational organs at all levels of authority, as well as in other organs based on elections, nominations or delegation in state organs, or bodies and institutions, objective image of realization of mentioned rights is completely different.
The nonexistence of real gender equality in public and political life and evident discrepancy between normative and real accomplishment of electoral right demands change of mind and attitudes of large number of individuals about social role of men and women with the goal of finally turning proclaimed, normative gender equality into the real equality.